Mark 1:1

“The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God…”

Had enough bad news, lately? Me, too.

The Books of the Bible open with various beginnings of things: the birth of a hero, the first steps of a journey, the starting names in a genealogy, or even the greeting of a letter. Genesis and John go bigger: they unveil the beginning of the entire universe, spoken into existence by the One who has no beginning.

But Mark describes the beginning of something else: “good news.” Talk about what you’ve been waiting for! Get ahold of this: just like the universe began out of nothingness, God can pull good news out of your swirling, chaotic, empty void. God can speak good news into existence, even when you think there is nothing that can be said.


About this Website: Above is only the first verse of Mark, but the book has so much more to tell us. To explore, choose your chapter and then open up any highlighted passages that interest you.

Mark 1Mark 2Mark 3Mark 4
Mark 5Mark 6Mark 7Mark 8
Mark 9Mark 10Mark 11Mark 12
Mark 13Mark 14 Mark 15Mark 16